Baking bread on an X&E smokeless griddle - an easy and delicious breakfast option

Baking bread on an X&E smokeless griddle - an easy and delicious breakfast option

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in terms of nutrition and health.

Most people neglect breakfast because they have to rush to work in the morning, so a simple, delicious and healthy breakfast is essential for most of us. This article will give you an easy breakfast made with X&R Smokeless Grill Toast.

Ingredients needed: slices of bread, butter or olive oil

First, take out the required number of slices of bread. You can use white bread, whole wheat bread, multigrain bread, or any other type of bread you like. Spread a layer of butter or olive oil on each slice of bread. This will make the bread more golden and crispy.

Next, preheat the X&E Smokeless Grill to the proper temperature according to the owner's manual. Place the buttered or olive oiled slices of bread on the grill. Bake for approximately 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the bread and the texture you prefer.

Carefully remove the toasted bread from the grill using a rack holder. Allow to cool slightly on a plate.

You can serve the toasted bread slices directly, or add jam, honey, peanut butter, avocado, etc. as toppings, depending on your personal taste.

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